Terms and Conditions for Empanelment / Renewal

S.No Category Civil Work

Category-Civil Work

Category for which the application is being made, Write ---------Yes
Sub Category- means any one or more of the following works:
(i) Construction of basement, [ ]
(ii) Multilevel vehicular parking, [ ]
(v) Runway, Airport terminal building, [ ]
(vi) Repair and maintenance, [ ]
(vii) Additions, [ ]
(viii) Alterations, [ ]
(ix) Renovations, [ ]
(x) Up- gradations etc. [ ]
(xi) Road [ ]
(xii) Ghat , Jetty , Sewage System , Rain Water Harvesting [ ]
(xv) Pumps, Station & Boring [ ]
(xvi) Interior decoration& furnishing [ ]
(xvii) Internal & external clarification , fire fighting work. [ ]
(xi)Above all
Tendering Limit Class (04)
Upto 10.00 Cr. A
Upto 5.00 Cr. B
Upto 2.00 Cr. C
Up to 1.00 Cr D

Rules for Enlistment of Contractors 2024
  1. Title, extent and commencement
  2. These rules may be called the Rules for Enlistment of Contractors 2024.
  3. They shall here in after be referred to as Enlistment Rules, 2024 for the sake of brevity.
  4. They extend to the whole of India.
  5. They shall come into force with effect from 16th December 2024.
  6. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires
    1. "Civil" means construction of a residential or non-residential structure consisting of foundation, walls, floors, roofs, finishing, civil and electrical services, plumbing, water supply, sewer, necessary infrastructure like internal roads, boundary wall, external electrical services and horticulture work etc; related to campus of the building awarded under a single contract. Building work includes any one or more of the following works: construction of basement, multilevel vehicular parking, sports facilities, railway or metro station, airport terminal building, repair and maintenance, additions, alterations, renovations, up- gradations, electrical installations, electrical and mechanical services of buildings. Exclusions: Building work does not include works of supply of materials, housekeeping, sweeping, care taking, watch & ward and other similar works involving labour component only. Building work also does not include operation and maintenance of electrical and mechanical services through original equipment manufacturers.
    2. "Category" means category of enlistment under these rules
    3. "Class"means class of enlistment, in category, under these rules.
    4. "Contractor" means an individual, partnership firm, limited liability partnership or company executing or intending to execute the work under a contract
    5. "Enlistment" means enlistment of contractors in accordance with these rules.
    6. "Tendering limit" means the upper limit determined by the estimated cost put to tender of a work of specified category, up to which an enlisted contractor can tender, subject to the eligibility conditions specified in the notice inviting tenders.
    7. "Work" means the work contracted to be executed under a single contract/agreement.
    1. The object of enlistment of contractors is to have a ready list of suitable and competent contractors. works so as to minimize the requirement of verification of their credentials at the time of individual tenders. At the same time, only those contractors are allowed to continue in the list that remain active in and perform satisfactorily.
    2. These rules may be revised or repealed by new rules. The enlistment of a contractor shall be governed by the revised or new rules existing at the relevant time, if any, and not by the rules prevailing at the time of enlistment.
    3. Timely work completion, quality and behaviour of the bidder shall be considered at the time of Enlistment of Contractor.*

    The Enlistment of the contractor is being done assuming that all the information given by applicant contractor are true. After enlistment, If the information submitted by the contractor comes to the notice of being false at any stage, his Enlistment will be cancelled with immediate effect.
  7. The contractors will have to sign the registration form, and all the terms and conditions etc.
  8. The contractors have to apply for renewal before the expiry of the registration period.
  9. Registration form/contractor in various categories for civil construction works is authorized to take work up to the face value as follows-
  10. Registration fee, renewal fee, general security and Solvency details

  11. Enlistment fee
    S No Category and Class Fresh Enlistment Fee Enlistment Renewal Fee
    1 A 50,000 25000
    2 B 40,000 20000
    3 C 30000 15000
    4 D 20,000 10000
    General Security
    S No Category and Class Required General Security Amount in Form of FDR/NSC & Pledged to
    1 A Rs. 5.00 Lacs
    2 B Rs. 2.00 Lacs
    3 C Rs. 1.00 Lacs
    4 D Rs. 50000
    Requirement of Net Worth/ Solvency Certificate
    Category Civil
    SNo Class Net Worth/ Solvency
    1 A 50 Lacs
    2 B 40 Lacs
    3 C 20 Lacs
    4 D 5 Lacs
  12. There should be technical staff for each category of contractors as follows.
  13. Requirements technical staff required for enlistment in Category-Civil
    Sl. No. Requirement of Technical Qualification Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E
    1 Graduate Engineer(20 Year experience) - - - -- -
    2 Graduate Engineer(10 Year experience) 1 - - -- -
    3 Graduate Engineer (5 Year experience)/Diploma Engineer (10 Year experience) 1 1 - -- -
    4 Graduate Engineer (2 Year experience)/Diploma Engineer (5 Year experience) 2 2 2 -- -

  14. The details of technical staff should be indicated as per Category (Appendix-F). If the information submitted by the contractor or information comes to the notice of being false at any stage, his Enlistment will be cancelled with immediate effect.

  15. Minimum Machinery-tools and plants required for enlistment in flowing Category in each class –
    Table 6:
    Requirements Machinery-tools and plants required for enlistment in Civil Category
    SI. No. Name of Equipment Class A ClassB ClassC ClassD
    1 Concrete Mixer 4 3 2 - -
    2 Vibrators 12 8 6 4 -
    3 Concrete Pump 1 - - - -
    4 Cube Testing Machine 1 1 1 1 -
    5 Bar Cutting Machine 2 1 1 -
    6 Bar bending Machine 1 - - -
    7 Steel Shuttering Plate 5000 sqm - - -
    8A Steel scaffolding Adjustable telescopic props. Adjustable spans 8000 Nos 5000 Nos - -
    8B Adjustable spans 3000 Nos 2000 Nos - -
    9 Electronic Total Station instrument - - - -
    10 Ultra-Pulse Velocity Meter 1 - - -
    11 Rebound Hammer Test Machine 1 - - -
    The application shall submit an undertaking in the application form (Annexure-1) to hire or otherwise procure the required engineering establishment, tools, plants, and machinery, if not already available with him. In case the contractor fails to deploy the requisite engineering establishment, tools, plants, and machinery, either owned or hired as per requirement of work, then the contractor shall be liable for disciplinary action under these Enlistment Rules.
  16. The details of Machinery/Equipment’s & Plants should be as per Category (Appendix-G)
  17. To blacklist the registered contractors for conduct contrary to the rules laid down , such as deteriorating the quality of work, not doing fine finishing, misbehaving with departmental employees/officers, etc., imposing reasonable penalties. And the officers of . will have the right to prohibit them from participating in the tenders.
  18. The applicant will have to give an affidavit to the effect that the close relative (blood relation) of any partner of the firm is not working in . Blood relation means father, mother, brother-sister, uncle-tau, daughter, son and wife etc. If the contrary is found after registration, then the name of the contractor will be blacklisted. (as per Appendix-I)
  19. The applicant has to attach the Character Certificate (as per Appendix-C) issued by the District Magistrate.
  20. The applicant has to attach the solvency/net worth certificate (as per Appendix-D & D (i) issued by the District Magistrate / Nationalized Bank (The Bank must mention the validity period).
  21. The photograph to be affixed with the certificates should be attested by a Gazetted Officer/Notary.
  22. A copy of the Income Tax Return for the last three years should be attached by the contractors to the Income Tax Department.
  23. A certified copy of the Balance Sheet for the last three years from a Chartered Accountant will have to be submitted.
  24. Nature and magnitude of work experience for category and class
    Category: Civil(A,B,C,D) Magnitude
    (a) Nature of completed work A B C D
    5 works each of value 20 Lacs 10 Lacs 2 Lacs 0.5 Lacs
    2 works each of value 50 Lacs 25 Lacs 5 Lacs 1.25 Lacs
    1 works each of value 1 Crore 50 Lacs 10 Lacs 2.5 Lacs
    Note for Civil Category:
    1. Works having more than 40% M component shall not be considered for enlistment.
    2. For class A the applicant must have experience of one building of G+4 or more storey either as an eligible work or as part of some other work under different agreement. For this purpose, each basement/stilt floor will be considered as a storey. Mumty, lift machine room and water tank shall not be considered as a storey.
    3. For class A and B the applicant must have experience of one building with Structure either as the eligible work or as part of some other work under different agreement.
    Note: The certificates issued by the above mentioned state departments/state institutions/public undertakings should mention the satisfactory completion of the works, which will be confirmed by the concerned department as per the requirement.
  25. The registration of contractors will be done for two years only. For renewal of registered contractors, character certificate, status certificate and certificate of satisfactory completion of the work done will have to be attached, and it should be sent through the Project’s manager office the work has been executed. Recommendation of the concerned office is must without which no renew will done.
  26. If a firm is blacklisted by for any reason, then the owner or partner of that firm is a partner or owner of any other firm, then that firm will also be blacklisted automatically.
  27. Any advocate registered with the State Bar Council is eligible for registration/renewal of the contract. Even after the formation of the contract of work, if the above fact comes to notice, then in case of satisfaction and satisfaction, such registration/contract will be cancelled forthwith by promulgating a reasoned order by the Managing Director or the officer nominated by him.
  28. No contract will also be accepted to such person/firm/company who come under the category of blacklisted in any other department. Applicants of this category are not eligible for registration/renewal.
  29. Even after the contract has been awarded to any contractor, if any fact is proved that other potential tenderers have been threatened or prevented from participating in the process and tender by the concerned contractor / firm / company or it is found That the concerned contractor / person is actively involved in mafia activities, anti-social works and organized criminal activities, then the contract or contract awarded to him will be cancelled after receiving the inquiry report from the District Magistrate or the police.
  30. The right to settle any dispute will be with the Managing Director , the decision taken by the Managing Director will be final.
  31. The jurisdiction to settle any dispute under the said terms and conditions will be that of the court located at Lucknow.
  32. Experience of sublet work by any contractor to any other contractor will not be accepted.
  33. Electrical work, Fire fighting work and Anti Termite Treatment will have to be done through skilled agencies
  34. Affidavit should be done as per Appendix H.